It is essential above all that results are used to interpret the programme situation and inform future nutrition strategies, policies and programmes.
The amount of time allocated for data management, analysis, report writing, review, revision and finalization is frequently underestimated. Depending on the complexity of the survey, the method of data collection, and the number of stakeholders involved, these processes may take a year or more. Simply writing, finalizing, and printing may take up to 18 months and may require clearance at the organizational or national level. There is often a summary report for wider dissemination, in addition to the comprehensive final survey report that may exceed 200 pages.
Because of the long timeline, it may be useful for programme management purposes to develop a preliminary report that highlights key available survey results. This can be done within a few months of completing the data cleaning and processing.
The final results and recommendations of the survey are typically presented in national and sub-national dissemination events, following extensive data review meetings with the Steering committee and other stakeholders. These events provide information for policy makers, programme implementers, donors and potential donors, and the media. They aim to generate support for any recommended strategic and policy changes. More details on planning and implementing a dissemination event are presented later in this module.
Generic nutrition survey dissemination agenda
Outlines the activities common for a national micronutrient survey report release and dissemination