Module 8. Survey supervision and personnel

Survey oversight: Steering committee, technical expertise and subcommittees

Personnel needs, organizational structure and main responsibilities

Field team numbers, composition and roles

Survey field team recruitment


A high-quality, timely micronutrient survey requires strong supervision and appropriately skilled personnel to plan, implement, analyse, report on and manage the entire process.

Large-scale population-based surveys are generally initiated by the primary users of the information that will be collected. This is frequently the ministry of health, the national nutrition division/department, some other government body, an academic institution, or a nongovernmental organization (NGO). The initiating organization takes primary responsibility for implementation and assigns a senior-level person to chair the Steering committee and provide overall policy guidance and leadership.

Operational management and responsibility for survey coordination, implementation, reporting, and quality assurance are usually assigned to an experienced, full-time survey coordinator. The coordinator works closely with the Management team, and reports to the Steering committee at its meetings and at additional times as needed.

Job description - anthropometrist

Document provides generic outline of the key responsibilities of the anthropometrist


Job description - lab technician

Document provides generic outline of the key responsibilities of the Laboratory Technician


Job description - phlebotomist/field nurse

Document provides generic outline of the key responsibilities of the phlebotomist/field nurse


Job description - supervisors

Document provides generic outline of the key responsibilities for team supervisors


Job description for Laboratory Coordinator

Document provides generic outline of the key responsibilities of the Laboratory Coordinator


Job description for data enterer

Document provides generic outline of the key responsibilities for a data enterer


Job description for data entry manager

Document provides generic outline of the key responsibilities for a data entry manager


Job description for driver

Document provides generic outline of the key responsibilities for a driver


Job description for interviewer

Document provides generic outline of the key responsabilities of the survey interviewer


Job description for survey coordinator

Document provides generic outline of the key responsibilities for a survey coordinator


Job description for team leader


TOR for survey contracting company

Terms of reference for a company that will be used to coordinate the survey


Terms of Reference for local focal points

Document provides generic outline of the key responsibilities for a local focal point


Malawi - TORs for survey teams

Document provides specific responsibilities of team members for the Malawi 2015 nutrition survey
